Local is Lekkerrrrrrrr

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Vertaal in Ingils


Soos in die tyd van die Voortrekkers, het ek en my swaer,Jan,
ystervarke en stinkmuishonde gaan jag met die dubbelloop-haelgeweer.(As in the time of the Frontpullers, me and my heavy, John, went
to shoot iron pigs and stink-mice-dogs with a dubble-walk-hailgun)
Uiteindelik sien my swaer Jan 'n stinkmuishond, sit 'n patroon in die loop, le aan, trek los en daar le die stinkmuishond bene in die lug.( At last my heavy John saw a stink-mouse-dog, so my heavy puts a pattern in the walk, lies on, pulls loose and there lies the stink-mouse-dog, bones in the light.) Net toe ons nader kom ruik ons hoe die stinkmuishond stink en hardloop weg.(Just as us come close, us smelt how the stink-mouse-dog stinks and runs away quick.)
My voet haak toe vas aan die wortel van 'n boom, ek slaan neer en breek my sleutelbeen.(My foot hooks fast to the carrot of a tree, I fall down and breaks my keybone.) By die hoofpad uitgekom, staan daar 'n ou met 'n pap wiel.(As we came to the chiefroad, there stand an old with a porridge wheel.) Hy vra toe of ons weet waar hy 'n motorhawe kan kry om lug vir die agterwiel te bekom.(He ask if us knows where he can get a motorharbour to get some sky for his afterwheel.) Van pure moedeloosheid bly sit ons net daar langs die pad. From pure motherlessness us sits just there next to the road.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Western Cape Country Calls

Cape Coastal Calls is all about promoting day drives and stay-overs up the West Coast of Cape Town, firstly to the residents of our  city and the suburbs, and then to visitors to our area.
Free time - whether taken as a "mental health day", a weekend, a holiday, or simply lunch with a friend - should leave you feeling refreshed and re-energized.
The noise and congestion of life in the mad metropolis will not do this for you - not even if you exchange your mad metropolis for one on the other side of the country, or on the other side of the world!
Cape Coastal Calls is an invitation to spread your wings and explore some quieter places and wider spaces. You will find it an uplifting experience!

brochure cover coastal
An A2 size printed copy of the Map Brochure is available on request. Please send an e-mail via the "Contact Us" form to enquire about availability and cost.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lion Foot Rubs by Alex the Lion Stroke King

Alex the Lion Stroke-King

British wildlife expert Alex Larenty, 50, calms the savage cats with gentle foot-rubs.

Alex, originally of Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, moved to South Africa in 1999. He started massaging Jamu, nine, after putting insect repellent on him one day.

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